while watching fringe the other day

stories are medicine. i believe that the principal reason that i am sane as an adult is because i was encouraged to have faith in my imagination as a child. ‘escaping’ into high-quality fictional universes that are created by intelligent minds in our own universe who are grappling, as we are, with the nature andContinue reading “while watching fringe the other day”

the same is true for fingers

The feet as usual object to the first few steps forward, sending their signal of suffering, anguish, and injustice via work gangs of ganglia to the imperial brain. Futile objections; we shamble ahead as one, the complete contrived ramshackle assembly of bone, flesh, blood, viscera, nerve, sweat gland, memory, hope, fear and perception, together withContinue reading “the same is true for fingers”

coincidence is not rare

patterns are everywhere. what is rare is for us to notice. experience rushes by us, like a flood. a few droplets are caught in the web of our memory, like dew. we find patterns in these droplets, and the patterns repeat themselves, day after day, as long as our web stays the same shape. overContinue reading “coincidence is not rare”

reprinted with author’s permission

here’s a little short essay i wrote last december for MAPS to use during their holiday fundraising drive. it gave me the chance to express some ideas i’d been bouncing around in my head, and it strikes me that it would be good to distribute outside the MAPS mailing list, as well. :) —– TheContinue reading “reprinted with author’s permission”

the idea that sparked this revolution

i write in notebooks sometimes and don’t transcribe it all digitally. i like the feel of the pen and paper, and i am more comfortable scribbling down incomplete thoughts and just leaving them for later, and i enjoy the history of being able to see what i crossed out and having to fit ideas onContinue reading “the idea that sparked this revolution”